Ecoconnections ,Project

Creada el 5 de Junio de 2024 a las 02:08 por KaoutarElhnot

Proyecto: Urbanismo2 2024 / Urban Design2 2024
Tema: Proyecto / Project
Coordinadores: scampos reinoso

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Work made by : Sana Alsaad Saad , Hanane Bouzour , Kaoutar El hnot ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Following the concept of our master plan "Ecoconnections " where we focused on green and ecofriendly ways to connect towns . In this project we focused on working on this relationship between green layer and urban layer on a closer scale , in a way that creates a transition from countryside to city . to achieve this objective we chosed (Niederrad, Berlin) as a model since it's a project that focuses on working on both urban and green . To create a more harmonious and fluid transition between agricultural areas and urban neighborhoods, as you move towards the urban center, the extensive agricultural fields are transformed into community gardens and public green spaces, until reaching private gardens or parcels . With the intention of improving the quality of life of the inhabitants in the area by providing a more natural and accessible environment.


Ecoconnections ,Project

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Ecoconnections ,Project


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